Assistand Headteacher obtains NPQH

Simon Milner, Jersey College for Girls’ Assistant Headteacher with responsibility for Student Guidance, has obtained the National Professional Qualification for Headship (NPQH).

Mr Milner, who is also JCG’s Designated Safeguarding Lead, is a teacher of English and Classical Civilisation. Mr Milner joined JCG, as a graduate trainee teacher, in 2009. He was appointed to the Senior Leadership Team in 2021. 

The NPQH, funded and facilitated by the Education Department, ran from March 2023 through to the assessment in October 2024, with the results from Newcastle University being published in January 2025. It included various forms of learning through the National Institute of Teaching: online self-study modules and masterclasses, virtual visits to UK schools, group coaching with other participants, and in-person study days with the Jersey cohort. 

The assessment consisted of responding to a scenario: participants were presented with a range of documents and data, painting a picture of a fictional school at which they have just been appointed Headteacher. The task involved outlining the priorities for their first year in post, along with how they would go about implementing change. 

Mr Milner explained: “Through all of this study, we aimed to understand and apply the NPQH framework, which covers everything from school culture and teaching to organisational management and governance and accountability.   

“For me, it was important to undertake this qualification not just to nurture my own career aspirations (though I am certainly grateful to be supported in doing so), but also to gain a deeper understanding of the complexities of school leadership so as to better perform my current role as an Assistant Headteacher. 

"As the title suggests, this role is about supporting the Head (at JCG, the Principal) in delegated areas of school leadership: having a fuller understanding of the multiple priorities a Headteacher is carefully balancing helps to contextualise this work. 

“As well as benefiting from the thorough course materials and our excellent facilitators, I was privileged to learn from the other participants (local school leaders) in my cohort. There's no substitute for seeing how colleagues are applying educational research and leadership principles to the sometimes wonderfully messy realities of school life - and to see how they do so with integrity and humour!” 

Jersey College for Girls promotes professional development among its staff members and all are encouraged to undergo further training and courses throughout their careers. 

JCG’s Principal, Carl Howarth, commented: “Simon's completion of this significant professional qualification is part of our succession planning to create and shape the next generation of school leaders in Jersey.  Headship is a privilege and Simon will make a wonderful, wise and kind headteacher.”

For Mr Milner, it is “vitally important” for educators to continue to see ourselves as learners. “Our students deserve professionals who are always trying to improve their practice; it also certainly sharpened my empathy for young people sitting exams to have to complete a high-stakes assessment again!” he said.“I am thankful for the work of all professionals delivering and participating in the NPQH, and to my wonderful colleagues on JCG's Senior Leadership Team for supporting me to challenge myself through this learning experience.”