GCSE Exam Results

Highest percentage of students ever achieve straight A/7s or above at JCG.Carl Howarth, Principal, stated: ‘Our students have worked so hard in partnership with their teachers and have demonstrated such ambition and determination to achieve these excellent grades. While people may be interested in the headline figures, we are so proud of all our students and the progress they have made. 65% of all grades were A* or A or 9, 8 or 7. 65% of all our students achieved 5 or more A*/A or 9-7 grades with a third of students gaining 10 or more A*/A or 9-7 grades. A grade 9 is above the old style A* grade and is reflective of the top 3% of attainment across the country. We are therefore delighted that 14% of all grades were at this very highest level with over 50% of students gaining at least one grade 9. In addition to the superb level of attainment at A level last week, these results underline the strength of relationships, the importance of collaborative learning, the necessity to aspire and the personal care which when combined creates the ‘Believe you can’ culture at JCG.’ ​