Student Update 04/11/20

Dear Students

As I am sure you know, I have written to your parents to inform them that two students, one in Year 11 and one in Year 12, have tested positive for COVID-19. Neither student has attended College since half term, and they are isolating at home following public health guidance. We wish them well and we ask that you respect their privacy.

I'm sure you are aware of contact tracing. When a person has a confirmed case of COVID-19, they are called by somebody from the Government's contact tracing team and asked many questions about what they have done and who they have seen. This helps these experts to establish who they would consider to be 'direct contacts'. Once they know this, somebody from the contact tracing team calls 'direct contacts' to inform them and ask them to follow guidance regarding isolation and testing. These experts make decisions about who needs to isolate, and we need to follow their advice. However, if you are worried about a situation where you might have been in contact with somebody who has tested positive for the virus, please speak to your parents or a member of staff at College and we can seek advice where needed.

If you are required to isolate at home and you are well, the College will continue to support you in your learning so please make sure you access your school emails and check ShowMyHomeWork and ClassNoteBook.

It is important that we continue to follow government advice relating to the virus at all times. We need to wash our hands (for at least 20 seconds) regularly, use hand sanitiser, clean our desk areas when arriving in a room, ensure windows are open for ventilation and keep our distance from anybody who is not in our year group. It is also important that these good habits are maintained beyond the College so we should wear face masks on buses and in public indoor spaces and we should not attend any gathering of more than 20 people at weekends or in the evening. If you wish to wear a face covering in College, you may and you should feel comfortable to do so.

Please also help look after the staff who are here to look after you and enable you to thrive at JCG. You should try and remain 2m from staff. If you see a staff member walking down the corridor, please be aware and try and stand back. I know this is strange and not how we want to behave towards each other. However, it's important.

I am very proud of the way in which you and all at the College have responded to the changes we have had to make this year and I know that you will continue to support each other as we move through this challenging time.

Take care.


Carl Howarth