- About JCG
- Parent Academy
Parent Academy
Whether your child has been with us for a few months or for a number of years, you will know that a close partnership between home and College plays a key role in helping our students to thrive.
It is this aspiration for collaborative support of our students that led to the successful launch of Table Talks in February 2024.
Following this, we have continued to review and develop our provision in support of parents and carers.
In addition to conventional parents' evenings - where parents and carers meet with teachers to discuss their child's academic progress - we aim to facilitate a range of opportunities for learning and discussion, so that parents and carers feel inspired and empowered to work in partnership with us.
This is why we are launching our Parent Academy. This partnership draws together these opportunities and provides a dynamic road map outlining the ways in which we will seek to provide parents with tools and skills to build capacity and confidence to support students academically, socially, and emotionally
We look forward to welcoming you to many of these events in the coming months and years. If there is a topic for discussion or a forum for engagement that you think would enhance the Parent Academy, please share your suggestions with Simon Milner, Assistant Headteacher, (Student Guidance), at [email protected]
Table Talks
We launched JCG Table Talks, a regular series of curated workshops, in February 2024. The workshops are designed to address the topics parents have identified as being most important to them, and bring parents together to discuss a variety of topics that will best enable them to support their children to flourish in all aspects of their lives.
Table Talks: building strong bonds, one conversation at a time
At Jersey College for Girls, we believe in the power of shared moments around the table, where parents come together to nurture not only their children but also the strong bonds within our community. This forum serves as a space where JCG parents can engage in meaningful conversations, fostering connections that go beyond the everyday challenges of raising adolescents.If you have any questions about Table Talks, please do not hesitate to contact Simon Milner, Assistant Headteacher: Student Guidance via email [email protected]
Our previous workshops have covered topics such as 'How can I maintain a strong and open relationship with my child through their adolescence?' or 'What does cognitive science tell us about how young people learn most effectively?'
"We have been so impressed with the holistic approach you have to our daughter’s education. It speaks volumes that rather than just arranging a speaker on a relevant topic you take the time to sit down, share a meal and get to know us as parents, sharing your own experiences along the way."
"I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed the Table Talk yesterday. What a delightful evening, it was such a pleasure to meet and chat to other parents...Linda gave an excellent presentation. The discussions were helpful and interesting."
"It was a fascinating evening with comfortable open discussion from all involved. Although parents love their children dearly we all run into challenges as they grow and start their journey into adulthood. With young adults pushing boundaries and their parents trying to guide them, situations can, from time to time become difficult, especially when both parents work and the time constraints that brings. The small nuggets of gold received during the evening from both Dr Charlotte Clarke, College staff and other parents will be used in the coming months, hopefully helping to bring calmness & sanity into our home on the occasions when previously it might have become fraught with confrontation."
"It would have been lovely to have had a similar learning opportunity when our older children were younger, as it would have been incredibly helpful for us and by extension hugely beneficial for them."
"I found the discussion very interesting and informative, it was also reassuring to hear that I’m not alone, and that we all struggle from time to time with our teenagers. I have already started to put into practice some of the strategies that Dr Clarke discussed with us on the night as she reminded us how effective simple strategies can be. I look forward to the next Table Talks discussion when it takes place."
“Great initiative. A fantastic opportunity to gain knowledge on a very important subject from an informative speaker, for parents to engage with staff in a relaxed and informal way and for parents from across different year groups to meet. A lovely feast too.”
"The evening was relaxed, insightful & enlightening."
"A big thank you for the opportunity to hear the fascinating presentation from Dr Cooke last week. It was also a pleasure to be able to take part in the discussion afterwards and share ideas with other parents. I look forward to more of these workshops and would recommend them to any JCG parent as a way to support their children's learning and development. It underlined the importance of the parental role in preparing our children to best learn and study, which I think is often undervalued - school can only do so much and it is up to us to optimise the conditions and predispositions to be able to access all the learning and opportunities that our lucky girls have on offer at JCG."
"The talk from Dr Charlotte was very helpful and I’ve also downloaded the book on audible and it’s become my replacement listen to Channel 103 in the car! I’m already putting this into practice and didn’t shout once over the weekend - in fact managed everything very calmly where needed! Transformational!"
"Dr Clarke’s talk was very constructive and then being able to discuss her suggestions with parents around the table was beneficial."