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Assessment Information

Year 7

Students will be tracked on the following criteria each term:

  • attitude to learning
  • preparedness for learning
  • behaviour for learning.

Additionally, we will report on progress from Spring term onwards. We will say whether a student’s learning disposition is classified as excellent, good, not there yet or a cause for concern against each of the criteria. Parents receive a periodic report during the Autumn and Spring terms and a full report in the Summer term. There is also an opportunity to meet subject teachers for an individual appointment during the Year 7 Parent Evenings. 

To help students and parents understand what we are looking for in an excellent learner, we have identified the following traits: 

To have an excellent attitude to learning, a student… 

  • is motivated, committed and aspires to do their best 
  • perseveres in their learning 
  • responds positively to feedback 

To have excellent preparedness for learning, a student…

  • arrives on time and ready to learn
  • submits their work on time 
  • brings the correct equipment to lessons


To have excellent behaviour for learning, a student… 

  • collaborates constructively and generously 
  • manages distractions and listens carefully 
  • is respectful and kind 
  • demonstrates interest and curiosity

To have made excellent progress, a student… 

  • has improved significantly from their starting point
  • has used feedback to reflect and improve

Year 8

Students in Year 8 will continue to be tracked in the way outlined for Year 7. At the end of Year 8, we will report on each student’s current grade in each subject (in line with GCSE flightpath) and give a target grade for the end of Year 9.

Year 9

In Year 9, we will continue to track students using the methods used in Year 8 and Year 9. However, we will give a target grade for the end of the academic year (in line with the GCSE flightpath below), a current grade and, in the spring periodic, we will indicate the grade a student is likely to achieve in the subject by the end of the academic year. As these grades will indicate progress, the progress indicators used in Year 7 and Year 8 will not be used.

Periodic grades explained 

What is a target grade? 

Year 9 

The target grade is the grade a student should be aiming to achieve by the end of the academic year. The teacher decides on the target grade by looking at work and assessments completed by the individual student in their subject so far and data from testing. A target grade is not a limit and, for different reasons, students will sometimes either exceed their target grade or not quite reach it. Subject grade descriptors are given below and teachers will look for the best fit. 

Year 10 Periodic Grades

Students will be given a target grade for the end of their GCSE course, a current grade and a likely to achieve grade. They will also receive an indication on their overall approach to learning. (Excellent/Good/Not there yet/Cause for concern)

Year 11-13 Periodic Grades

Students will be given a target grade for the end of their GCSE or A level course, a current grade, a likely to achieve grade and a learner profile score (see explanations below)

What is a current grade? 

A current grade is the grade that a student is achieving at the time of the periodic. Progress does not always follow a straight line so current grades can increase and decrease. This sometimes depends on the complexity of topics or skills involved in the learning in a subject at the time. 

What is a likely to achieve grade? 

Year 9 

A likely to achieve grade is only given in the second periodic of the academic year. It indicates the grade the teacher believes the student will achieve by the end of the academic year, if they continue to show their current attitude towards learning. 

Key Stage 4 and 5 

A likely to achieve grade is given in all but the first report of the academic year. It indicates the grade that the teacher believes the student will achieve at the end of the GCSE or A level course. 

What is the Learner Profile? 

The learner profile is most important and it is all about a student’s approach to learning. The teacher will choose the descriptor that best fits the student’s profile in their subject and therefore, it is worth talking to your child about the Learner Profile as they should be aware of why they are given their score.

1 Exceptional learner who is enthusiastic, committed and absorbed in their learning. An independent, rigorous and resourceful thinker. A resilient and reflective student who thinks strategically about their learning. Collaborative and empathetic when working with others, contributing to the learning of the class.
2 A well-motivated, well-prepared learner who works hard, perseveres and takes responsibility for their own progress. Shows an interest in the subject, is reflective, asks questions to further their learning and involves themselves in lessons; helpful and empathetic towards others and is a positive presence in the class.
3 Consistent approach to learning. Generally completes tasks and meets deadlines. Mostly attentive in class and participates when prompted. Usually prepared for learning.
4 Inconsistent commitment to learning. May lack focus and struggle to manage distractions in class. May disrupt the learning of others at times. Homework is often late and does not reflect good effort. Needs to reflect on their approach to learning.
5 Rarely motivated to learn and rarely completes tasks or meets deadlines. Distracts others and is inattentive. Commitment to learning is a serious cause for concern. Improvement in approach to learning needed.

What is an area for improvement?

If a teacher selects a Learner Profile score of 4 or 5, they are asked to identify and indicate the area that a student needs to improve. 

Progress Flightpath

End of Year 8 End of Year 9 End of Year 10 End of Year 11
5+* 7* 9* 9*
5 6 7 8
4 5 6 7
3 4 5 6
2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4
BTP 1 2 3

*Maximum grade awarded at the end of the year for this year group.

BTP = Breakthrough