- Admissions
- Tea & Tours
Tea & Tours
We are delighted to offer ‘Tea & Tours’ to Year 6 pupils as we believe this will give you and your child an exciting opportunity to see our College in session.
The Tea & Tours will commence at 14:00 with a presentation from the Head Girl team and our Principal, Mr Howarth in College Hall. This will be followed by a full and exciting personal and bespoke student-led tour of the College. We will then invite students and their parent to stay for tea and cake and talk further though more informally.
We have planned that each afternoon will accommodate a small number of visiting students accompanied their parent(s).
In order to sign up for the Tea & Tours @JCG, where we hope students and parents will get a flavour of the College ethos and the opportunities we provide, we have set up links to Eventbrite. Please click the link for your preferred date below.
PLEASE NOTE: A specific date has been set for Tea and Tours for JCP students, you will receive a letter with the booking link for this.
Should you have any queries about our Tea & Tours @JCG or Admissions to JCG, please don’t hesitate to contact us.