Tea & Tours

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  • Sailing Triumph

    Tamsin had her St Catherine's Sailing Club annual prize-giving last Friday and she was presented with three trophies for her triumph in different sailing competitions during 2021. Congratulations!

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  • School Fee Raffle Winners

    The School Fee Raffle was drawn and a lucky JC reception family are the winners of a term’s fees. Congratulations to our 'Win a Free Term' raffle winner!

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  • IoD Leaders Lunch

    Our Jersey Youth Parliament students had an interesting time at the IoD Leaders' Lunch this week.

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  • Eisteddfod Solo Acting

    Congratulations to Florence who won the Queree Memorial Trophy for Solo Acting for boys or girls 12 yrs and under in the Eisteddfod.

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  • Eisteddod Verse Speaking Cup

    A big well done to Isabelle who won the William Glasson Memorial Cup in the Eisteddfod for Verse speaking.

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  • 2021 Colin Powell Debating Team

    2021 JCG Colin Powell Debating Team - An outstanding performance by our students. Their planning and presentation were amazing. Well done

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  • Parklet Design Winners

    Elizabeth, Annabel, Poppy and Bella won 'The greenest and with most ideas for planting category' of the Association of Jersey Architects Parklet Design Competition.

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  • Lieutenant Governor's Cadets

    Many congratulations to Louise and Ryanna upon their appointment as the Lieutenant Governor’s cadets at this evening’s ceremony at Government House.

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  • Surfing Success

    Congratulations to Erin, Year 8, on her fantastic results in the Channel Islands Surfing Championships. In extremely challenging conditions, Erin placed 4th in the U14 and 3rd in the U18.

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