Tea & Tours

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  • Table Tennis Success

    A huge congratulations to Hannah, now British & Irish Table Tennis Champion at Under 15 level for singles, doubles and also the team event.

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  • We will remember them

    Today the theme of our remembrance was former students who were deported from Jersey during the occupation. At 11am, the College gathered on the terrace for the 2-minute silence.

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  • Visit of Richard Davies, Economist

    Sixth Form Economists at JCG and VCJ were delighted to welcome Richard Davies, author of Extreme Economies to speak with us today.

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  • Joint Scavenger Hunt

    Daisy, Shannon and Gus, Winners of the Joint Y7 Scavenger Hunt with Will their guide. This is part of the series of joint lessons across Year 7 at JCG / VCJ.

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  • Roller-Skating Championships

    Hannah, Year 9, and Amelia, Year 7 represented Jersey in the 2021 British Artistic Roller-Skating Championships last weekend in Brentwood, Essex.

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  • Repair Shop

    Our sixth formers took part in a new elective today - Repair Shop. We look forward to seeing the outcomes.

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  • Embrace Our Difference

    Hannah, together with our principal, Carl Howarth met Lord Blunkett at the inspiring Embrace Our Difference event at the library. The photo was kindly taken by the Bailiff.

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  • Shoe box mountain

    We are grateful to our community who have contributed to our mountain of shoeboxes. We hope they are enjoyed this Christmas in Romania.

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