Tea & Tours

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  • College Cafe

    We are delighted to present the first College Café of the year. It has grown, from originally being a Music Café, to now representing all the arts. The content will vary greatly each fortnight. Sadly,

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  • New Award

    Grateful thanks to The Methodist Church for this new award presented to mark our 140th Anniversary last Sunday.

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  • It's our anniversary!

    Happy Anniversary JCG! Today we celebrate 140 years of incredible female education.

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  • Tinathon

    Our students got creative with their Tinathon in aid of the Shelter Trust today!

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  • Listen to the Your Call Special

    Have a listen to today's 'Your Call' special with BBC Radio Jersey, celebrating our 140th year of providing outstanding female education. Listen former pupil Margaret Stone and Head Girl, Amelie, from

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  • Off to the Zoo

    We were delighted that current guidelines still enabled us to take our Year 7 on their bonding day to the zoo. Here is 7 Cavell with their tutor.

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  • PE Co-curricular is back on!

    Covid-19 has affected many of our co-curricular activities, so we are pleased to say our PE ones are back on! Find out how you can partake here: https://jerseycollegeforgirls.com/extra-curricular-club

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  • New Music Building

    We are excited to be planning a new Music Centre, with work beginning in 2021. This is a major undertaking, which underlines the College’s commitment to supporting music at JCG.

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  • We're back!

    What a start to the term: A teacher: 'I just wanted to say what a lovely buzz and energy there is around the college today. The students seem so happy to be back and it's a delight to have the girls

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