Tea & Tours

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  • JCG Buddy Miles

    Students walked from Jardins de la Mer to Corbiere and back on Wednesday. As well as having a really good time, they raised over £900 for their house charities. It was a really good effort on a warm day.

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  • JCG Sports Day

    JCG held its annual Sports Day on 3rd July. The weather was kind and the events were keenly contested. The results were:

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  • House Maths Competition

    Our Maths prefects recently organised the inaugural House Maths Competition. The junior round, where one student from each year participated, was won by Garrett-Anderson. The senior round, and overall competition, was won by Austen-Bartlett.

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  • JCG Leavers

    We bid an emotional farewell to our leavers. They treated us to a lovely church service and we enjoyed drinks on the terrace. We are proud of you. Aspire. Inquire. Excel. (most importantly) Belong.​

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  • Jersey Sings 2018!

    JCG Students thoroughly enjoyed taking part in Jersey Sings 2018. Thank you to them, the helpers and the organisers.

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  • Young Enterprise Regional Finals

    Having won the regional finals in Guidlford, we wish Elsa, Imogen, Gemma, Antonja and the fellow team members of the company, 'ToBe', success in the national finals of Young Enterprise in London on 5th, 6th, 7th July.

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  • 6th Form Induction

    Our Y11 students have finished their GCSEs and today we are welcoming them into the Sixth Form at their induction day.

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  • Battlefields Trip

    Five of our Year 9 students, accompanied by Mr Evans, returned on Thursday from the 2018 Secondary Schools Battlefields Trip, which is run in conjunction with the Bailiff’s Chambers to commemorate the centenary of the First World War​. The British, French, and German cemeteries, the Canadian, Indian, and South African memorials, the Passchendaele Museum, the Menin Gate ceremony, the Thiepval Memorial to the Missing of the Somme, the Lochnagar Crater, and the Jersey Memorial in Guillemont all impressed upon their visitors the scale of the horror and tragedy that befell Europe a century ago, and the invaluable worth of peace and reconciliation.​

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  • Y8 & 9 Italian Pizza Making

    Le ragazze di Year 8 e Year 9 che studiano l'italiano hanno creato delle pizze deliziose durante la loro lezione! Brave!

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