Tea & Tours

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  • Year 7 Serves

    We are so proud of our Year 7 students who planned and delivered a lovely Valentine’s themed party for the residents of Pinewood Nursing Home. Everyone had a great time. We left the residents having enjoyed a show and gave them a Valentine’s card and edible gifts. Well done students.

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  • JCG Foundation is now registered with easyfundraising

    The JCG Foundation is now registered with easyfundraising, which means you can give donations absolutely for free every time you shop online. Over 4,000 shops and sites will donate to us when you use easyfundraising to shop with them – at no extra cost to yourself!

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  • Team Maths Challenge

    JCG won the Team Maths Challenge! Well done to our students and all who took part in and organised the event.​

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  • Biology Day

    We welcomed Dr Sutton back to JCG today. Year 12 learnt about health and disease and Year 13 learnt about brain learning including research into neurobionics!

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  • Rotary Young Chef

    Congratulations to Year 10 Food & Nutrition students who participated in the Rotary Young Chef competition this morning. Special mention to winner Sarini. She will represent Jersey in the next heat in Hampshire. Thanks to colleagues at Les Quennevais for hosting.

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  • JCG Mock Election

    The results of the JCG Mock General Election are as follows:

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