Tea & Tours

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  • Yr 10 Textile GCSE

    Year 10 GCSE Textile students had an inspiring day working with renowned textile artist Alison Hulmes producing beautiful printed fabric designs.

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  • Prison! Me! No Way! Crime Day

    Year 8 students had the opportunity to participate in Prison! Me! No Way! Crime Day. Their programme included learning about prison life, drugs, the ambulance service, the fire service, police dogs and road safety. Thank you to the team for spending the day with us.

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  • Year 11 Language Speakers

    ​On Monday 29th January, JCG Year 11 students were given the opportunity to listen to invited speakers talking about their experience of language learning and the impact it has had on their lives. It was good to hear from Ms Hattie O'Connell, a former JCG student and now teacher at Beaulieu,  Mr John Harris, Director General of the Jersey Financial Services Commission, Advocate Samanta MacFadzean, Counsel at Carey Olsen and Ms Fiona Kerley, Managing Director Ommaroo Hotel. Students also caught up with ex-students around the world who had sent videos about how language learning had influenced their career paths.

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  • JCG Parents’ Association Winter Ceilidh

    Parents, teachers and students all joined in the fun. Mr McGarva and his band provided fabulous music and called the moves. Mr Diggle had cooked up some tasty haggis to energise the dancers. All were treated to Mr McGarva’s passionate performance in his traditional Burns address to the haggis. The evening ended with a wonderful sense of community as tired dancers joined to sing Auld Lang Syne.

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  • PwC Jersey Young Musician section heats 2018

    JCG would like to congratulate all musicians who took part in the PwC Jersey Young Musician of the Year 2018 Senior and Junior section heats over the weekend.

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  • Rotary Young Chef Competition

    Sophie, Yr 10, won the Rotary Young Chef competition last Saturday at Les Quennevais. Isabella, also in Yr 10, won the Jersey Dairy award for best use of local ingredients. Sophie will now go forward to represent Jersey at the next heat of the competition in the UK in March. Congratulations and very well done to all JCG students who competed.

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  • St John's Ambulance Cadet of the Year

    Congratulations to Hannah who was appointed St John Ambulance Cadet of the Year for 2018 on Sunday. Morgan was appointed Deputy Cadet of the Year. Alice from JCG was also one of the four final candidates. We are most proud of you.​

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