Tea & Tours

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  • Returning to College

    We are excited and delighted that our students and staff will all be returning to College on a full timetable on Thursday 3rd September with as close to a normal routine and community as we can...

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  • Returning to College Information

    We are excited and delighted that our students and staff will all be returning to College on a full timetable on Thursday 3rd September with as close to a normal routine and community as we can provide while keeping within the guidelines.  The safety of our students and staff comes before everything.  The purpose of this letter is to explain what we are doing.  Please do read it carefully with your daughter.

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  • JCG GCSE results day 2020 – A note from Carl Howarth, Principal

    ‘Following the UK's Government and Ofqual’s debacle over the A level results last week, I am relieved and pleased that our Year 11 students have received their official grades today based on the centre assessed grade. While imperfect, it is the fairest outcome and reflects the trajectory our students were on, had the exams gone ahead, and for which they were thoroughly prepared.

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  • JCG A Level results day 2020 – A note from Carl Howarth, Principal

    ‘This is a very special generation of students who have encountered significant disruption to the end of their time at JCG as a result of the lockdown. They weren't able to sit the exams they had worked so hard for and did not receive those important events and moments which mark the leaving of a place they love.  At every stage, we have been so impressed by their resilience, positive attitude and determination to support each other, their College and the island community.

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  • Creativity during Lockdown

    JCG students continued to develop their creativity during lockdown. On 30 consecutive days, they responded to a stimulus word to produce an amazing selection of photographs. The display, now in the Dome, captures their creativity beautifully and will be treasured by the College.

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