Tea & Tours

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  • Introduction to Medicine

    Jenna, Clara, Athene and Emily have been at the hospital for the past three days getting to know a bit more about medicine on the Introduction to Medicine Programme.​

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  • Year 8 Netball Tournament

    Two teams were entered in the annual Year 8 netball tournament held at Haute Vallee. The sun was shining and the students enjoyed some great competition. Our A team came first and our B team 3rd. Well done!

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  • Trees for Life

    On Friday Year 8 Students completed a JCG Serves activity with the Trees for Life charity at Val de la Mare.  They completed essential conservation work ranging from weeding and creating ecobins to making beautiful willow sculptures to be displayed both in College and at the arboretum.  The students engaged fully with all the activities and in addition to the essential work that they undertook, a fantastic time was had by all!​

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  • Spring Concert

    A level musicians, the Percussion Ensemble, the String Orchestra and the Senior Concert Band treated their audience to a wonderful spring concert. It also offered a chance to thank our Year 13 musicians for their musical contributions to the College.

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  • Travtel tournament

    A huge well done to all those Year 8 girls involved in the Travtel tournament today against UK and Guernsey schools. The 8b team had some some tough games and strong opposition but enjoyed the new challenge. The 8a team only lost one game out of 7 to Guernsey Ladies, leading to a runner up play off beating St Michaels. A great day of competitive netball. Thanks to St Michaels School for organising

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  • Austen Bartlett Variety Show

    AB House is delighted to say that the variety show raised over £600. Thanks to all who contributed in any way.​

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  • House Science

    House Science has been a great success with students really enjoying the boat project. Here are the results:

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  • Textile Workshop

    GCSE and A Level students enjoyed their textile art workshop with renowned textile artist Julia Triston. They came away with many interesting techniques and samples to contribute towards their coursework. ​

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