Tea & Tours

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  • Cavell House spirit day

    This Wednesday was Cavell House spirit day. Students came to school wearing items of clothing in Cavell’s House colour of dark blue. The Cavell sixth form team prepared an amazing array of cakes...

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  • Exams 2021

    Today Education Secretary, Gavin Williamson, announced long-awaited plans for how exams will take place in 2021, following the disruption to learning caused by the Covid crisis.

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  • House Languages 2020

    Yesterday we held our first ever House Languages event. Students in Years 7-10 recited a poem in French, Italian or Spanish from memory. Congratulations to our winners, Curie-Fry!

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  • House Drama 2020

    A massive well done to all participants. It was a fantastic event and the standard was very high indeed. A huge congratulations to our overall winners, Garrett Anderson!

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  • Summary Update for Parents

    After the flurry of emails from me, in addition to the inevitable rumours and speculation during the past two weeks regarding Positive cases of Covid, I thought it might be helpful to you if I provide

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  • Goverment of Jersey News Release 10/11/20

    Statement from the Department for Children, Young People, Education and Skills: “There have been six further confirmed cases of COVID-19 at Jersey College for Girls. The affected students have been

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  • A Message from our Head Girl

    Dear Students, This time last year we could not have imagined the world that we live in today. In this time of the new, the strange and the uncertain we have all gone on journeys we never dreamed of

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  • 'Thank you JCG', from Parents

    A huge thank you to our students, our parents and our colleagues for their calm support at this challenging time. Here is a selection of thanks we have received today from our parents.

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