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Creative Minds Camp

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Creative Minds Holiday Camps for Years 1 to 6. Each exciting camp is designed to stimulate your son or daughter with creative challenges and fun.

12th to 16th February 2024: Solve the Mystery Challenge Camp

  • A crime has been committed and you must help the police in their investigations
  • Clues need to be solved, forensic evidence analysed
  • You will be work in small teams across the whole island to catch the suspect


2nd to 5th April 2024: Fashion Show Camp

  • You will put on a Fashion Show
  • Designing, making and showing off your designs
  • Making programmes
  • Photographing and recording the show

8th to 12th April 2024: Languages and Cultures Camp

  • A celebration of the languages and cultures of this island
  • Learn new languages or improve the ones you already have
  • Portuguese, Polish, Romanian and many more
  • In collaboration with the LEAP leadership group SEAL

28th to 31st May 2024: Space Camp

  • Learn all about our planets, galaxies and the universe
  • Make rockets to get to space
  • Space suites, space food

22nd to 26th July 2024: Lego and Construction Camp

  • Lego, Lego and more Lego!
  • Use your imagination to construct anything!
  • Towers, space planes, monsters and more
  • Other construction materials, bridges, catapults, and flying eggs

29th July to 2nd August 2024: Wizardry Camp (You too can be Harry Potter!)

  • The science of magic
  • Bangs, crashes and sparkles
  • Broom stick racing
  • Ghosts and other wizardry things

5th to 9th August 2024: Kings and Queens Camp

  • Castles, costume and all things regal
  • Banquets
  • Crowns and regalia

12th to 16th August 2024: Environmental Camp

  • Animals, plants and all things natural
  • Beach expeditions
  • Conservation work
  • Lets save the planet!

19th to 23rd August 2024: The Musical, Dance and Drama Camp

  • A musical must be put on
  • Songs, dancing and drama
  • Costumes, sets and programmes

27th to 30th August 2024: The Great Creative Minds Bake-Off Camp

  • Cakes, bread, pizzas and all things cooking
  • Science of cooking
  • Open your own restaurant!

Time: 9.00 - 17.00

Location: Jersey College for Girls

Participants: Children in Years 1 to 6 (Boys and girls)

Group size: 30 

Cost: £330 per place (includes lunch and snacks)

Email us to find out more:  [email protected]

International students please email for booking options

Register now for one of our Camps