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Immersion Success Stories


I was here for one half term. I really enjoyed my time here, and the time went way faster than I thought it would go. I’m really thankful for the experiences I got to have here. I really enjoyed the Drama lessons with sometimes really funny tasks like being a washing machine, and going to climbing club on Fridays. Thanks to my buddy Mia, I managed to find my way around in school and not get lost (that often). Something that was different from my school in Germany were the assemblies, because we don’t have assemblies at all there. My host family was very nice. I’m also really happy that I found new friends during my time here, lunchtimes and breaks with Caitlin, Aurelia and Mia were always very funny, and I hope I can stay in touch with them when I go back to Germany. 


I stayed here for six weeks. I am very happy I was able to experience this adventure and make friends. JCG is a very nice place with nice teachers and good teaching. I am also very grateful for my buddy Hana and for Amber and Darcie with whom I sat at lunch. A subject that I enjoyed very much was Maths because it was always a good lesson and Mrs Watkins was very nice. In addition, I have taken my Drama group very close to my heart. I am very grateful for my very nice and warm host family and especially for my new friend Olivia who was also my guest sister for six weeks. Tschüss von eurer Finja (Goodbye from Finja)