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Careers and Employability Policy

Authors: Adam Sykes & Simon Milner
Date: October 2023
To Be Reviewed: October 2025


As part of a whole-school approach, careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) informs, inspires and motivates young people, preparing them for work and helping them to understand where different education and training choices could take them in the future. A JCG careers education will develop the character so that our students thrive as individuals and members of society.   

A JCG careers education helps our students to fulfil crucial elements of our vision: 

  • Leaving us with an excellent record of achievement for an academically demanding course at university or employment which will lead to a stimulating career. 
  • Developing the ambition, motivation and staying power, which will equip them to study independently and successfully. 
  • Applying for internships, work experience and voluntary work in their holidays.  


This policy is intended to support the College in the provision of high-quality careers education and guidance. We aim to develop the skills, knowledge and character of all students at JCG so that they are able to embark on a fulfilling career leading to significant personal development which will enhance their lives and the lives of those around them.  

JCG staff, staff from external agencies and other members of our community make valuable contributions to careers education and guidance for JCG students. Our students have a broad range of opportunities to develop their personal and employability skills. The curriculum, in particular PSHE, work experience, community involvement and service, and co-curricular activities enable JCG students to experience an enriched education through experiential learning. These opportunities help students develop their decision-making processes and prepare them for life beyond JCG.  

We aim to promote the self-awareness of all students so that they can be confident with their skills and knowledge. We give students time to reflect on their strengths, limitations, needs and values in academic mentoring. We help them develop skills and awareness through numerous co-curricular activities including subject-related lectures and enterprise events. JCG students are able to take part in decision-making processes and opportunities for student voice through the Student Council and other focus groups. We want the student experience at JCG - including careers education, information, advice and guidance -  to prepare students exceptionally well for further study and their future careers.   

It is our aim that students leave JCG with highly developed employability skills, depth of character and a sense of purpose.  


Students should be encouraged to take responsibility for: 

  • Engaging with careers and employability opportunities in College. 
  • Actively cultivating their own development with regards to careers education within and beyond the College.  

Parents have responsibility for: 

  • Maintaining their awareness of the careers programme at JCG, by engaging with communications from the College. 
  • Taking an active role in supporting their children to develop their skills and experiences relating to careers education and guidance. 
  • Parents are also encouraged to share their experiences and knowledge with relation to careers and employability.  

Subject Teachers with the support of their Heads of Department have responsibility for: 

  • Encouraging discussion and presentation of career opportunities leading on from studying their subject at JCG. 
  • Recognising that subject teachers are a very important source of independent advice, and sharing their advice, either one-to-one or as part of a group, as appropriate. 
  • Being familiar with sources of careers guidance and advice including Skills Jersey, the Employability Coordinator, the careers library (in the Library), the Gatsby benchmarks (appendix V)  and the www.prospects.ac.uk careers website. 
  • Encouraging students to have careers-related discussions with other stakeholders (Tutors, parents, subject teachers etc). 
  • Encouraging student participation in employability events and supporting these where appropriate. Being involved in CEIAG training where appropriate.

Form Tutors have responsibility for: 

  • Acting as the first point of contact for careers education and guidance and providing a valuable source of independent advice. 
  • Knowing their tutees well and using this knowledge of their progress in college and their co-curricular achievements when discussing careers options. 
  • Familiarising themselves with sources of careers guidance and advice including Skills Jersey, the Employability Coordinator, the careers library (in the main college library), the Gatsby benchmarks (appendix V) and the www.prospects.ac.uk careers website. 
  • Familiarising themselves with the outline of the PSHE content for their year groups (see Appendix I). 
  • Holding formal and informal discussions with their tutees about careers including during form time and academic mentoring. 
  • Encouraging students to have discussions with their parents/guardians, teachers and friends about their strengths and areas for development in terms of transferable skills, areas of interest and possible career paths. 
  • To encourage student participation in employability events and to be involved in them where appropriate. 
  • Being involved in CEIAG training where appropriate.

Heads of School, supported by their Assistants, have responsibility for: 

  • Supporting tutors to complete academic mentoring and deliver the tutor programme, including careers education and guidance where appropriate. 
  • Familiarising themselves with sources of careers guidance and advice including Skills Jersey, the employability coordinator, the careers library (in the Library), the Gatsby benchmarks (appendix V) and the www.prospects.ac.uk careers website.  
  • Familiarising themselves with the outline of the PSHE content for their year groups (see Appendix I), and helping Tutors to draw on details of this as appropriate.  
  • Encouraging students to have careers-related discussions with other stakeholders (Tutors, parents, subject teachers etc).
  • Encouraging student participation in employability events and to be involved in them where appropriate. 
  • Being involved in CEIAG training where appropriate.  

Sixth Form Life Skills and Choices Tutors have responsibility for:  

  • Acting as a key point of contact for careers and employability and providing a valuable source of advice. 
  • Attending relevant training as appropriate.

Employability Coordinator has responsibility for: 

  • Managing the whole College careers programme. 
  • Guiding and supporting students in their decisions regarding career plans. 
  • \Supporting Tutors and Heads of School to fulfil their responsibilities in relation to careers and employability. 
  • Liaising with the Head of PSHE to ensure the coverage of the CEIAG programme in lessons. 
  • Reviewing schemes of learning (SoL) with the Head of PSHE. Having oversight of the College’s careers-related engagement with external agencies including Skills Jersey, employers and the local business community. 
  • Organising events which promote students’ understanding of the world of work. 
  • Filtering and passing on information to students and teachers. 
  • Ensuring the college is an affiliate of the Career Development Institute (CDI). 
  • Attending Career Guidance and / or Skills Shows annually. 
  • Completing the Qualification in Career Guidance (QCG).  
  • Reviewing training for staff on an annual basis and supporting them to complete the Qualification in Careers Guidance (QCG), or similar, as appropriate.  
  • Reviewing this policy. 


Assistant Headteacher (Student Progress and Welfare) has responsibility for: 

  • Line managing and supporting the work of the Employability Coordinator. 
  • Advising other members of the Senior Leadership Team on matters relating to careers education. 
  • Reviewing this policy.  

Links to other policies  

Further Reading  


  • Appendix I Overview of College provision for careers and employability 
  • Appendix II Outline of CEIAG within the PSHE syllabus 
  • Appendix III Quality standards and roles of responsibility 
  • Appendix IV Gatsby Benchmarks 
  • Appendix V Work experience procedures  

Appendix I - Overview of careers and employability provision

The College has: 

  • a CEIAG curriculum delivered to all students through PSHE in Lower School and Upper School (See Appendix I). 
  • a CEIAG curriculum delivered through the Life Skills and Choices elective and other elective programmes in the Sixth Form (See Appendix I). 
  • tutorial programmes including careers education and guidance. 
  • academic mentoring sessions including information, advice and guidance. 
  • close links with Skills Jersey.  

The College provides access to: 

  • a careers section within the library.
  • independent face-to-face advice both internally and externally. 
  • Up-to-date online learning applications. 
  • the Jersey Careers Service (Skills Jersey) contributing to our provision. 
  • the knowledge and experience of external speakers from a range of careers and industries. 
  • outside speakers to enhance student knowledge of courses available and the local job market. 
  • individual interviews in Upper School and Sixth Form and 1-to-1 mentoring in the Lower School.  
  • events which promote student understanding of the world of work. 
  • Trident placements and other work experience. business partnerships. 
  • enterprise competitions including the Student Business Challenge, Young Enterprise and work shadowing. 
  • the extended project qualification (EPQ) at Sixth Form.
  • local, national and global trips and visits which encourage risk-taking and global awareness. 
  • local, national and global links to former students via the JCG Foundation.  

Work experience is an integral part of careers education and guidance and of work-related learning. 

  • Every student in the Sixth Form is strongly encouraged to complete work related experience, including afterschool or at weekends, in their holidays and during challenge week. 
  • Trident work experience will be provided for students in the Upper School to support and compliment the curriculum provision. 
  • The work experience programme should be able to respond to the needs of the Jersey community. 
  • Work experience procedures are detailed in Appendix V.  

JCG meets the quality standards as laid out by the Education Department (see Appendix II).  

Appendix II - Outline of CEIAG within the PSHE syllabus and schemes of work 2023

Much CEIAG is delivered through the PSHE schemes of learning. In the Sixth Form CEIAG is delivered through the elective programme.   

Year 7 and 8 

CEIAG is covered in the PSHE programme in Years 7 & 8 through modules including an introduction to careers / work from Skills Jersey and a visit to a residential home in Year 7. In Year 8 students start to recognise their strengths, achievements and weaknesses and evaluate how these might inform future choices in learning and work. Students complete personal development planners and research careers.  

Year 9 

In Year 9 students receive a 1 hour lesson per week covering PSHE, citizenship and careers including:  

  • Students identifying their own strengths, interests, skills and qualities as part of the personal review and planning process, including their value to future employers using an online career planner and personal development planner. 
  • Learning about different work roles and career pathways, including clarifying their own early aspirations. 
  • Students completing a self-evaluation form and discuss areas they need to improve on, in order to achieve their best post option choices using an online career planner and personal development planner. 
  • Exploring option choices. 
  • Helping students make the correct choice for them, taking into account individual needs.  

In addition to this:  

  • A senior member of staff attends an assembly (or PSHE lessons or form times, depending on timetable commitments) to explain the college process for options in December or January. 
  • Students discuss options with their teachers and tutor, including in mentoring. They  are also visited in form time by senior staff to answer questions and offering 1 to 1 interviews for those who request it. 
  • The college organises an options evening to discuss and research GCSE options. 
  • Students use an online career planner to identify areas of interest, this is also used to identify strengths and weaknesses and possible career choices. 
  • Year 9 students attend the annual Jersey Skills Show to learn about careers and skills.  

Year 10 

Year 10 PSHE is delivered through off-timetable days throughout the year covering health and wellbeing, and citizenship and careers including: 

  • A talk from a Trident representative. This is to explain how Trident works and how the students should complete their forms.  This is followed up during form time. 
  • Introduction to banking and financial literacy.
  • Writing a CV, personal statement and letter asking for work experience. 
  • Learning about the range of opportunities available to them for career progression, including in education, training and employment. Study skills and revision techniques. 
  • Workshops with representatives from Skills Jersey 

Year 11 

Year 11 PSHE is delivered as off-timetable sessions throughout the year covering health and wellbeing, and citizenships and careers including:  

  • Employability seminars including for post-16 options, often involving outside speakers including skills such as interview techniques and speaking with alumni about a range of careers.   

In addition to this:  

  • All Year 11 have individual interviews with a senior member of staff to discuss post-16 options and any concerns they may have about their futures. 
  • The College organises a Sixth Form Information Week to discuss and research Sixth Form options. 
  • All Year 11 students complete an online careers guidance programme. Students are provided with a week of A level taster lessons at College. 
  • Students spend a form time with Year 12 students discussing Sixth form life. 
  • Year 13 students visit Year 11 during a form time to explain individual subjects. 
  • JCG holds an annual in-house Careers Fair. 
  • Year 11 students are offered 1-to-1 appointments with advice and guidance councillors from Skills Jersey.  
  • Further information about PSHE provision from Year 7 to Year 11 can be found here: https://jerseycollegeforgirls.com/pages/academic/subjects/pshe  

Year 12 

The careers programme is delivered in Year 12 through the Life Skills and Choices Elective sessions of 1 hour per week. It covers aspects such as Higher Education, post-18 options, finance, work shadowing (IOD), Young Enterprise and completing CVs, covering letters and their UCAS form. A dedicated group offers support to students planning a gap year or to enter employment at 18.  

In addition to this:  

  • All Year 12 have individual interviews with a senior member of staff to discuss post-18 options and any concerns they may have about their futures, towards the end of the academic year. 
  • Skills Jersey organises an annual HE fair. 
  • The College organises an information evening for parents to explain the UCAS procedure and university funding.  
  • JCG holds an annual in-house Careers Fair. 
  • Year 12 students are offered 1-to-1 appointments with advice and guidance councillors from Skills Jersey.  

Year 13 

The careers programme is delivered to Year 13 for the first term only. This is primarily for the completion of UCAS forms. In addition to this all students are seen individually by their Life Skills and Choices (LSC) tutor / HoS before handing in their UCAS forms. All candidates for courses requiring an interview have practice interviews organised by the College.  

Post application – students are given individual advice on choosing firm and insurance institutions. We encourage students not to complete this until after the mock week.   

Students not applying to university have weekly Life Skills and Choices Elective sessions with the Employability Coordinator with the intention of securing high quality employment.   

Students applying for medicine, dentistry, Oxford University or Cambridge University have bespoke preparation.  

Year 14 

Full and part time Year 14 students have access to the Year 13 programme as well as receiving additional help with their applications, mock interviews and personal statements.  

Appendix III - Quality Standards and Roles of Responsibility

Education Standard

Examples of Evidence and Person Responsible

College/ College has Careers Education & Guidance policy

Written policy to include all Key Stages – written by SLT member with responsibility for CEIAG and the Employability Coordinator (EC) 

Appropriate training is offered to those involved in CEG. This equates to a minimum of 5 days per year for each school / college

Training is provided through the weekly Careers Teachers Meetings. INSET is provided as appropriate including IOSH courses, 6th form careers and transferable skills training e.g. VESPA – to be shared between HoSs/Heads of 6th form/EC/Tutors

College/ College will release a representative of their careers department to attend regular meetings of careers staff from all Island colleges.

Weekly careers teachers meeting – attended by EC

College/ College has current written partnership agreement with Jersey Careers Service which is formally reviewed.

The Education Liaison Manager at Skills Jersey is in regular contact with the EC.

Careers Education is delivered for all pupils as identified in the policy:-

  • Written plan shows how programme will be delivered for each year group 
  • The effectiveness of the programme is regularly evaluated against the outcomes contained in the policy document 
  • Where necessary, pupils have access to additional impartial assessment of aptitude and interests e.g. Computer-assisted guidance, Careers Service

PSHE – Head of PSHE

Tutor programmes – HoS/Heads of 6th form

Employability - EC

The CEG programme is supported by access to suitable, up-to-date accurate, impartial information. This should have the following features:

  • a dedicated area, appropriate in terms of space for materials and for the numbers of pupils and their needs 
  • a position within the college which all pupils can visit easily 
  • open at all reasonable times, such as break times, lunch and possibly before and after college on given days with a published notice of such opening times 
  • maintained and supported with up-to date, well-classified resources which pupils can access themselves with advice available 
  • ready access to IT to enable students to use networked careers software

Head of PSHE / HoS/Heads of 6th form/EC/Careers Jersey

Materials promoting awareness and use of careers library & resources. Held in college library. Web based computer programme (New Kudos, www.prospects.ac.uk & Unifrog) which all students can access from college and home.

Colleges/ Colleges maintain information on the destinations of former pupils and provide it as required

Detailed statistics of Year 11, 12 & 13 leavers given to Careers Service by October half term. Provided by Heads of 6th form in conjunction with information from the Principal’s PA.

College/ College:-

  • has support system in place to help pupils make informed choices and successful transitions with access to information about all Island post 16 opportunities 
  • identifies individual pupils who may be ‘at risk’ of making decisions unwisely and offers them a plan of action provides guidance interviews to students in Year 9 as appropriate 
  • provides individual guidance interviews of at least 20 minutes to Year 11 pupils 
  • at Post 16 (where appropriate) provides individual guidance to all students in relation to their career progression 
  • creates opportunities for the involvement of parents in the decision making proces

EC/ HoS/Heads of 6th form/Skills Jersey/SLT interviews

  HoS/Heads of 6th form/ SLT member with responsibility for CEIAG /ENCO/EC 

SLT interviews/EC/ HoS as appropriate 

SLT interviews/EC/ HoS/Heads of 6th form 

SLT member with responsibility for CEIAG / HoS/Heads of 6th form/EC 

Options Evenings and Information Evenings – HoS/Heads of 6th form/ SLT member with responsibility for CEIAG / Careers Jersey/Subject Teachers

CEG is enhanced through practical involvement of employers:-

  • pupils participate in organised work experience
  • pupils have access to up-to-date information on those employers offering work experience opportunities 
  • pupils can identify how work experience contributes to effective career decisions 
  • college plans and monitors work experience placements in accordance with the CYPES Work Experience Policy Standards & Guidance, 2015
  • employers and representatives of the local business community have the opportunity to contribute to CEG programme

Trident providers, Careers Jersey, Work Experience during Enrichment, Business Partners. HoSs/Heads of 6th form/EC/Contributors to the JCG Careers Fair / Contributors to impact sessions

College conducts formal annual review of the CEG provision with new targets and outcomes set

Minutes of review meetings and up-dated action plans. SLT member with responsibility for CEIAG / Head of PSHE /EC / HoSs/Heads of 6th form.  

Appendix VI - CEIAG roles and responsibilities

The SLT member responsible for CEIAG will 

  • oversee the work experience and CEIAG policies.
  • be the line manager for the Employability Coordinator.


Role of the Employability Coordinator

  • To manage the whole College careers programme.
  • To guide and support students in their decisions regarding career plans.
  • To support tutors and HoS / Heads of sixth form with careers education and guidance.
  • To liaise with the Head of PSHE to ensure the coverage of the CEIAG programme in lessons.
  • Reviews schemes of learning (SoL) with the Head of PSHE.
  • To liaise with external agencies including Careers Jersey, employers and the local business community.
  • To organise events which promote students’ understanding of the world of work.
  • To filter and pass on information to students and teachers.
  • Ensure the college is an affiliate of the Career Development Institute (CDI).
  • To attend Career Guidance and / or Skills Shows annually.
  • To complete the Qualification in Career Guidance (QCG).


HE tutors and Heads of Sixth Form will

  • Attend relevant inset as appropriate.


Role of the Tutor

  • To act as the first point of contact for careers education and guidance and be a valuable source of independent advice.
  • To use the information learned, as far as possible, about their tutees progress in college and extra-curricular achievements when discussing careers options.
  • To familiarise themselves with sources of careers guidance and advice including Careers Jersey, the employability coordinator, the careers library (in the main college library), the Gatsby benchmarks (appendix V) and the www.prospects.ac.uk careers website. Also to familiarise themselves with the outline of the PSHE content for their year groups (see Appendix I).
  • To hold formal and informal discussions with their tutees about careers including during form time and academic mentoring.
  • To encourage students to have discussions with their parents/guardians, teachers and friends about their strengths and areas for development in terms of transferable skills, areas of interest and possible career paths.
  • To encourage student participation in employability events and to be involved in them where appropriate.
  • To be involved in CEIAG training where appropriate.


Role of the Head of School / Head of School Assistant

  • To ensure that tutors complete academic mentoring and the tutor programme, including careers education and guidance where appropriate.
  • To familiarise themselves with sources of careers guidance and advice including Careers Jersey, the employability coordinator, the careers library (in the LRC), the Gatsby benchmarks (appendix V) and the www.prospects.ac.uk careers website. Also, to familiarise themselves with the outline of the PSHE content for their year groups (see Appendix I).
  • To encourage students to have careers-related discussions with other stake-holders (tutors, parents, subject teachers etc).
  • To encourage student participation in employability events and to be involved in them where appropriate.
  • To be involved in CEIAG training where appropriate.

Role of the Subject Teacher / HOD

  • To encourage discussion and presentation of career opportunities leading on from studying their subject at JCG.
  • To recognise that subject teachers are a very important source of independent advice and to share their advice, either one-to-one or as part of a group, as appropriate.
  • To be familiar with sources of careers guidance and advice including Careers Jersey, the employability coordinator, the careers library (in the LRC), the Gatsby benchmarks (appendix V) and the www.prospects.ac.uk careers website and to be familiar with the outline of the PSHE content within the college (see Appendix I).
  • To encourage students to have careers-related discussions with other stake-holders (tutors, parents, subject teachers etc).
  • To encourage student participation in employability events and to be involved in them where appropriate.
  • To be involved in CEIAG training where appropriate.

Role of the Parent

  • To be aware of the careers programme at JCG.
  • To take an active role in supporting their daughter to develop her skills and experiences relating to careers education and guidance.
  • Parents are encouraged to share their experiences and knowledge with relation to careers education and guidance.

Role of the Student

  • Students should be encouraged to take responsibility for their development with regards to careers education and guidance.

The College will review training for staff on an annual basis and would be happy to support them to complete the Qualification in Careers Guidance (QCG) or any other that is relevant.

Appendix IV - The Gatsby Benchmarks

Appendix V - Work Experience (WE) Procedures


The Employability Coordinator (EC) is responsible for this area, although many staff may be involved in encouraging students to take part in the opportunities offered by WE.  

The EC takes responsibility for overseeing the process if carried out by another member of staff.  

The general procedures are as follows: 

  • The placements will be checked for suitability by the EC and, if required, by one of the Institute of Safety and Health (IOSH) trained staff. 
  • The EC will ensure that all students complete the appropriate Placement Form. 
  • The EC will check the suitability of the placement through consultation with Skills Jersey or by site visits and inspection by IOSH trained personnel. 
  • Should an individual student or member of staff wish to include a placement not previously Health and Safety checked, this should be referred to the EC who may ask one of the IOSH trained members of staff to complete the Employer Visit Form.  
  • No placement should take place until all documentation and approval has been completed. 
  • The placement provider will ensure that a health and safety briefing is carried out on commencement of the placement.   

Procedures for off island placements:  

  • The College is supportive of off-island placements and parents should write to the Principal requesting authorised absence. 
  • The responsibility for off-island placements rests with parents / guardians.  
  • The EC can provide parents with the JCG work experience policy and forms in preparation for off-island work experience.  

Document check list   

To be obtained by Jersey College for Girls:  

  • Placement form 
  • Employer Visit Form and Risk Assessment 
  • Agreement letter (Letter of Understanding) 
  • Copy of Employer Public Liability Insurance 
  • Copy of Health & Safety Policy   

Provided for employer by Jersey College for Girls:  

  • Copy of placement form 
  • Copy of Employer Visit Form and Risk Assessment 
  • Agreement letter (Letter of Understanding) 
  • Copy of the Children, Young People, Education and Skills (CYPES) Department’s Child Protection Principles and Guidelines    

Dear Sir or Madam,  

Letter of Understanding between Jersey College for Girls and the Employer providing Work Experience  

Thank you for offering a work experience placement.  To ensure that the arrangements between the Employer and Jersey College for Girls are fully understood, I would like to set out the following essential points.  

  1. The students will be carrying out meaningful work during the period of their employment. The work will be planned by a responsible person and the students will be given appropriate instructions before and supervision whilst operating machinery or equipment.  
  2. The Employer will observe all statutory requirements, in particular those required by the Health and Safety at Work (Jersey) Law 1989 and will ensure that the student is not required to operate any hazardous machine, to work in any hazardous environment, or to carry out work of any unsuitable or objectionable nature. The employer will supply any special or protective clothing required by the student whilst performing the work.  
  3. The student will not receive any payment for this work.  
  4. The student will not be allowed to work outside the hours stipulated in the Job Description.  
  5. The student will be required to sign an agreement stating: (1) that he/she will not disclose any information confidential to the employer without the employer's approval, and (2) that he/she will obey all safety, security and other instructions given by the employer.  
  6. The student's parents/guardians will sign an undertaking that the student will carry out these obligations and will confirm that he/she is not suffering from any complaint which will create a hazard either to the student or to those working with him/her.  
  7. The employer will arrange for insurance cover against accident or injury caused to the student by the negligence of the employer or another employee.  
  8. The employer will (as he would for paid employees) accept, or insure himself against liability for loss, damage or injury caused by the student, while acting as a servant of the organisation, to the employer's property, other employees, or a third party.  
  9.  In the case of accident or sickness the employer will notify by telephone and without delay, the contact at the College, and the student's home if a telephone number is given. The student will be allowed to use whatever first aid facilities the employer provides.  
  10. The employer will endorse the Children, Young People, Education and Skills (CYPES) Department’s child protection principles and guidelines, which not only endeavour to prevent non-accidental harm to young people but also are designed to protect adults working with them.  
  11. The employer recognises that the personal information of students provided by Jersey College for Girls, for the purpose of work placement/training, is subject to the Data Protection (Jersey) Law 2018.  The employer agrees that this information will not be used or disclosed for any other purpose.  

I should be grateful if you would confirm that this Letter of Understanding is acceptable to you by signing the copy and returning it to me.  Yours sincerely   


Employability Coordinator 

(Email address)  

I confirm that I have read this Letter of Understanding and that all points are acceptable to me. 

Name (block capitals)    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  

Position         . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  

Organisation        . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  

Address        . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  

Signature        . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      

Date  . . . . . . . .    



For adults working with young people, particularly those below the age of sixteen, it is important to be aware of potentially difficult situations.  By following the simple guidance outlined below it should be possible to ensure that the workplace is a secure and productive environment for both the provider and young person.   

  1. TOUCH There may be occasions when you need to touch a young person (eg. If you are guiding them in carrying out a technical operation) these should be kept to a minimum and only used when necessary.  
  2. BEHAVIOUR Whilst it is important to reassure a young person who may be nervous in a new placement and reliant on your guidance it is important not to be over familiar.  Never condone inappropriate behaviour which may cause embarrassment or fear.  
  3. ENVIRONMENT It is part of the Trident work experience policy that students are not placed with Sole Traders.  This is to avoid continuous one to one contact.  There may be occasions where students are required to spend a limited amount of time with one employee, however extended periods should be avoided where possible.  
  4. DISCLOSURE Where the young person is on a school placement please contact the Work Experience Coordinator, if they are not available then speak to the Headteacher/Principal of the young person’s school/college. Outside of school hours please use the mobile number given to you by the Work Experience Coordinator.

    If you are concerned by anything the young person may disclose to you or a member of your staff in terms of child protection please telephone the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) on 449213 Email: [email protected] or the Out of hours Duty Officer :Tel 612612

    If the young person discloses an allegation against anyone in the workplace please contact the MASH - 519000 for advice prior to speaking to anyone else, including the employee that the allegation refers to.

  5.  DISQUALIFICATION Trident is in contact with JMAPPA, an organisation which monitors disqualified individuals, however, If you are aware that any of your employees are disqualified from working with children and that this would present difficulties for you it would be more appropriate for you to decline the placement in order to protect yourself.  Any employer who might be interested in providing training in child protection within their organisation can contact the Jersey Child Protection Committee Training Officer for advice on 01534 445148 or 444218.    

Children, Young People, Education and Skills Department  

Child Protection principles for work related learning activities   

It is the inescapable duty of every adult to ensure the health, safety and welfare of children and young people at all times.  Child Protection means protecting children against abuse and non-accidental injury and applies to all young people under the age of 18 years.  

The Department has clear policies, practice and procedures relating to child abuse and non-accidental injury.   Employers are asked, when participating in educational activities involving contact with young people, to take responsibility for their social welfare as well as their physical welfare.  

Employers should do all they can to ensure their employees relationships with young people are appropriate to their age and gender, and do not give rise to comment or speculation. Attitude, behaviour and language all require careful consideration and thought.  

Child Protection principles and guidelines not only endeavour to prevent non-accidental harm to young people, they are also designed to protect adults.   Providers of placements should not put themselves, or their employees, in situations that can be misinterpreted by others.    

(Adapted from Buckinghamshire Education Business Partnership’s principles)