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Staff Acceptable Use Agreement (AUA) for use of Technology in College

We believe that technology and the internet provide many opportunities for learning, communication, creativity and freedom of expression. However, with advances in technology comes responsibility and a need for maturity. It is essential that all members of the JCG community respect the privacy of others, protect their own online safety and reputation, and are aware that inappropriate use of technology can cause distress and harm to others, and lead to anti-social behaviour. 

Please do not view the AUA as a list of dos and don’ts, but as a necessary agreement to protect you and the students in your care. In our ever changing ‘Tech World’, it is very easy to innocently use technology/Apps which may have unforeseen data protection and online safety issues.   

The Acceptable Use Agreement  

When using the school network, school owned devices or personal mobile technology in College, I agree to the following AUA:  

  • I know that the College networks are monitored and by connecting to the networks I give consent for this monitoring to take place.  
  • I will password/passcode protect my school owned device and not share with other users.  
  • I understand that I must use 2 Factor Authentication for Office 365 access; this additional layer of security will allow us to store sensitive data in Office 365  in the Staff Sensitive folder only.  I understand that sensitive data should not be stored in personal OneDrive folders or in the general staff area.  
  • I will not share my network username and passwords with other users.  
  • I will only use messaging Apps and Social Media during non-contact time.  
  • I will not use Social Media, Messaging Apps, photo/video/audio Apps to cause hurt or embarrassment to another person or in any way which brings my professionalism into question.  
  • I will not take photos or video/audio recordings of another person without their permission and will make myself aware as needed of which parents/ guardians have not given permission for their child to be photographed (please refer to Marketing and Communications Assistant for the ‘no photo’ list). 
  • I will preview any online content (including videos) before using it for teaching and learning, especially if the source is YouTube and take the necessary precautions.   
  • I will not use technology for purposes other than work during contact time.  
  • I will not post/publish/upload to Office365 OneDrive images or video/audio recordings of other people on the Internet without first referring to of parental/guardian permission information  
  • If I see a message, comment, image, or anything else online that makes me concerned for my personal safety or that of others, I will report it immediately to either the DSL or another member of the SLT. 
  •  If I see a message, comment, image, or anything else online that is likely to cause hurt or embarrassment to a student, member of staff at JCG, I will report it immediately to either Designated Safeguarding Lead or another member of the SLT.  
  • I will not attempt to access any inappropriate content (including violent, discriminatory or sexualised material) that might cause distress. 
  • I understand that bullying whether online or other will not be tolerated, and I will act responsibly and with immediacy to protect those in my care.  
  • I will act with due regard to the guidance set out in the Staff Guidelines section of the College’s Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy.  
  • I will not store any personal school-based data on web-based (cloud) services (e.g. iCloud and GoogleDrive) that are hosted outside Jersey unless permitted by the school and agreed by the Jersey Data Protection Commissioner (Office365 is permitted).  
  • I will ensure that I know and understand the definition of sensitive data, engaging in data protection training as required.   
  • I understand that before using any Apps for teaching and learning, beyond the school agreed Apps, I am required to write a risk assessment and have agreement from the AHT (Digital Learning and Curriculum Design) and the AHT (Student Guidance and DSL)  
  • I agree to attend online safety training offered by the College or read documentation when requested to raise my awareness of the latest issues.  
  • I understand that devices brought into school are done so at the owner’s own risk and should not contain any data which has the potential to bring harm or embarrassment to myself or others or to bring the College into disrepute.   
  • I understand that in signing the College loan agreement, I am responsible for the security and data stored on the device. (If the device requires repair due to negligence/misuse within 3 years of its purchase, I expect to pay the cost for the full repair.)  
  • I understand that if there is serious concern about the data stored on my personal or loaned devices, external agencies including the police will be contacted.

Contravening the terms of this agreement may in extreme cases, result in disciplinary action and/or the involvement of third-party agencies.